Monday, May 3, 2010

These Days...

...I've been realizing that despite my ardent, year-long yearnings to be elsewhere, there isn't a springtime more beautiful than the springtime here in Boulder. It smells just the same as it did with my dorm room windows flug open three years ago. I feel like a just got here.

via Jimmy Himes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

The French pop band Dionysos. My music has been feeling a bit stale this last week and I was in desperate need of some fresh tunes.

Check out this site as well for some great live concerts at Vega in Copenhagen. "Push the Envelope" by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour is especially sensational.

shades of beige.

via garance doré

and these cocktails, which look divine.

via wide open spaces

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the library...

thanks to happy little distractions such as this.

via alexandre skander.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

These pretty Parisiennes: one sweet, one sassy. both fabulous.

Springtime in Milan...for obvious reasons.
he cuffed his pants!? je l'aime, je l'aime beaucoup!

via the sartorialist.

These photos of Edie Sedgwick:

Sienna Miller as Edie in "Factory Girl":
Her performance is so spot on...this is one of the best films I've seen in a long time. Guy Pearce is a SPOT ON Andy Warhol. And Hayden Christian is an uncanny Bob Dylan. Though still a horrible actor.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

København, jeg skal kommer tilbage til dig

There are days when I wake up and feel my heart tugging in my chest for no apparent reason. Sometimes its an anxious tug, other times its a happy, little heart dance that pulses in the back of my throat and pulls up the corners of my mouth for the rest of the day. Only recently have I started paying attention to these mysterious internal tugs, and only recently have a realized that more often than not, they're punching me in the gut for a reason. Like karma. Or something like it.

I believe that this universe is quite orderly, that there's a pattern to it all, a method to the madness. Its a cirle. Bear with me while a wax poetic, philosophical, or crazy. But there have been so many moments in the last year when I've woken with a feeling that today is an important day. And at some point in my wandering, studying, eating, crying, or laughing, a voice chimes in that says,

"Remember where you were."

And I'll remember where I was on that day, at some point in my past. My life cycles. There seems to be a funny, karmic method to my madness.

On Sunday, I picked up my journal for the first time in 3 months. This is significant because I am a writer, and I usually find myself returning to this book every 3 days. But the last 3 months have been hard on me for reasons that only the the most important people around me understand.

I returned to this book because I am going back to Copenhagen. I received an internship in my city, the city that brought me a sense of peace which I find difficult to explain to people. It was a sense of peace and purpose that I had never really encountered up until that point. I had been chewing on the offer all day long with a familiar little tug in my chest, and it tugged harder and harder as I leafed through the madness I methodically documented in the spring of 2009. The night I sat on a barstool with my silly friend Kristin and tried to make eyes with a man, any man, for two hours before we realized it was "Gay Night." Wipping around street corners in Vesterbro on my little, purple bike while the Danish rain slapped me in the face. Turkish toilets in the basement of a Bulgarian mosque. A bottle of wine in Siena and the kiss that changed the course of an evening.

On February 21, 2010, I lay in bed reading old journals and considering a return voyage. And I came across an entry from February 22, 2009; the day after I met a man. He didn't bring me peace, and the happiness he brought was fleeting. But it was walking with him, talking with him, and riding on the back of his bicycle that made me fall in love with the city of Copenhagen.

And I find it funny that EXACTLY one year after that seemingly random encounter, after an entire year of life, of books, tears, hellos, goodbyes, smiles, french papers, plane rides, family dinners, job interviews, disappointments, and celebrations...

Copenhagen is my reality once again.
I take it as a sign.
But I'm a little superstitious like that.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

Timeless, classic style via the impossible cool.

Jean Seberg

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Grace Kelly

Complimentary café signs:

photo by brian ferry at the blue hour.

This song: "Numbed" by Danish songbird Trolle Siebenhaar.

P.S. Who is the cutest?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Friday

regina spektor via la blogotheque.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

Grey, hooded trench-coats on the streets of Berlin.

The satirical genius that is Unhappy Hipsters.

He couldn't stand another night with that smug hookah.

The things that once so defined him - shag carpeting, Room and Board sofas, monogomy - now suffocated him.

In search of a less bleak playground, the toddler pedaled faster.

This song: Twice by Little Dragon

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

where in the world was emily?

I was searching for a little French paper inspiration this afternoon, and stumbled across some fuzzy, abbreviated slices of my 2009 wanderings. The nostalgia set in. But my writer's block was cured.

Where was I?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wild Geese

by Mary Oliver.

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

LA BLOGOTHEQUE : A French website with links to intimate, impromptu concerts by amazing musicians. You don't have to speak French to navigate it, just type in the name of the band you seek to see if any recordings have been uploaded. This one, featuring Andrew Bird, gives me the chills right around 9:35. He plays all the parts. He is a brilliant man. And all of those lucky Parisians get to sit on the floor at his striped, socked feet and witness it first hand.

T.ruffles : A happy little blog by Karey Mackin and Mary Ruffle. Twice a day, Mary posts a photo and Karey follows it later with a charming subtitle. Comme ceci:

via wide open spaces

Sunday, January 31, 2010

it's been a heavy week...

...and I find myself grappling for the inspiration that this space is usually devoted to.

maybe tomorrow.

Friday, January 22, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

The Norwegian film, "Reprise" directed by Joachim Trier.
The story of two young writers and the emotional aftermath of each man's first publication. Witty. Abrupt. Superb. : "For people who love to eat."

recipes. quick ones, fancy ones, international ones. my favorite are the weekly dinner planners (am I a 30-something stuck in 21 year-old body?) Not that this type of planning/shopping/cooking is really viable on my college student budget, but someday, someday it will be. And that day will be a glorious day.

I want to make this: Salmon with Soy Honey and Wasabi Sauces

Dan and Shannan's beautiful home in Upstate New York:

view the rest of their peaceful spot in the country here.

Monday, January 18, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

ingenious appeals to a target demographic.
mika chante en français quand il est en france.
et il ressemble un peu de louis garrel, n'est-ce pas?

nutella croissants. heaven?

spotted at a cup of JO.
via t spoon of sunshine

passive agressive wifi hotspots.

spotted at a cup of JO.
via swiss miss.

this darling dane.

via copenhagen street style.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Livable Streets Initiative

The Livable Strees Initiative is a brilliant pool of information for those of us interested in urban livability, specifically promoting the redesign of urban spaces with the cyclist in mind. This website is just begging to be the next object of my pure and unadulterated obsession. They have bloggers chiming in from all over the world on how these sustainability projects are progressing, "streetflims" which highlight cities that are making a difference, and a platform for people to organize projects in their own communities.

Their most recent streetfilm provides a glimpse into the busiest bicycle street in the Western world: Nørrebrogade in Copenhagen (be still my heart).

Because really, who does it better than the Danes? I have yet to encounter another culture so whole-heartedly committed to living their lives on bicycles. When living in Denmark, I noticed that the Danes don't have the same emotional, spacial attachment to their beds that Americans do. Their bedding is basic and most sleep on futons so that blankets and pillows are retired to the closet during the day, and the space is put to better use. This was odd, because when I live in the States, my bed is my SPOT. Only later did I realize that Danes have a spot too...on their bikes. They have transferred this attachment to the spot between two wheels.

photos via the spectacular blog: copenhagen cycle chic

Sunday, January 10, 2010

aujourd'hui j'aime...

a big stretch.

a couple of sturdy wheels.

a frolic.

and a little audacity.

photos via ffffound

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm baaaaaack.

My new years resolution is to find peace more often. With little things and big things and me things. And to smile at random people on the bus. Every day. I started last night:)

What's yours?

photo via the selby